
What is Self Employed Courier

We are here to aid you in your decision to become a self employed courier. The are many benefits, but a change of career is a big decision to make.

Self Employed Courier Vans

We provide information on courier job opportunities, the pros and cons of it as a career and how exactly to get started.

If you're just starting out, I'd recommend you read our Self Employed Courier Starter Guide, detailing all of our best articles and content.

Why does Self Employed Courier exist?

It's our hope to provide you with as much information as possible for you to decide if a path as a courier is right for you.

There's a lot of information online, a lot of it attached to some sort of service. While these services may of course be very good, we just look to provide you the best unbiased information possible.


Image courtesy of LoopZilla under Creative Commons

Logo box vector art by vihaanlight